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Adding Indieweb elements

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According to Indieweb

The IndieWeb is a people-focused alternative to the “corporate web”. It is a community of independent and personal websites connected by open standards and based on the principles of: owning your domain and using it as your primary online identity, publishing on your own site first (optionally elsewhere), and owning your content.

… which is interesting enough for me to add the html code to my Codeberg page. I started using blank-gh-site as a template. This template mentions this

  <!-- To use social readers via microsub, follow these steps.
    (Details: https://indieweb.org/Microsub#Getting_Started)
    1. After publishing this to your domain, sign in to https://aperture.p3k.io/login with your domain
    2. You will see a <link> tag displayed on your dashboard that looks like:
      <link rel="microsub" href="https://aperture.p3k.io/microsub/000">
    3. Copy that <link> tag and paste it after this HTML comment.
    4. Publish the updated page!

It seems that https://aperture.p3k.io/login has dependecies to authentication providers: Github or Twitter. Odd that a service that wants to promote “a people-focused alternative to the corporate web” is locked-in in those 2 prime examples of the corporate web.

And sure enough, not linking to a Twitter and/or Github profile failes miserably:

No supported rel="me" links were found on your site!
codeberg.org/wchulseiee: This is not a supported authentication provider
social.linux.pizza/@wchulseiee: This is not a supported authentication provider

Very sad to see that a project going on for over 20 years still doesn’t seem to understand their own principles.

Build with Jekyll. Find me on Mastodon. There is also an RSS feed.